*Mi Ch Elle*___100% Nutty
Saturday 10 February 2007

Blog address changed.
You are right, shifted...ONCE again.

So do head to her new blog ::: Nutelle

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-8:33 pm-

The problem with me is that i tend to let my mind wander too far.
Things i thought off like years/months/hours ago, i can dig them up and think again.
Then things that are long over, i think again.

And i have the tendency to think till i get a solution or an answer if not i will just keep hanging on the same thought of hours/months/years.
I was just flipping through my papers and then, suddenly this stupid thing came into my mind.

It's so random!
And so, i sat infront of my comp(*feeling super bored*) and think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think think and THINK.
And finally i came into a conclusion
If not, i won't need to sleep tonight already.
Afterall, getting into a new part of my life
requires adapting right?
So usual practice like before needs to be changed.
I always thought everyone was the same, well at least for a particular aspect.
Like, when you know something about someone, you wouldn't mention it without the permission of the one involved.
And stuff like that.
I thought it was general knowledge, common sense i will call it.
But it seems i am so so so wrong.
Naive naive.
Stupidity stupidity of mine.
No no, i am not feeling disappointed, not feeling anything at all.
Just neutral and feeling a wee bit disgusted.
No wonder my instincts....told me to think before i speak.
It's hard to find someone that keep words.
>.< At least there are some of such people beside me.. = )
Not much of info as to what i was thinking eh.
To minimize conflict is part of my new year resolution.
= )

Okok, am blogging infront of the teevee(*teebee*) and i am watching this show "Hua wu que and xiao yu er".
And, isn't Nicholas Tse GOOD LOOKING AND CHARMING?!
Whatever hairstyle suits him perfectly FINE!
And whatever role he is acting also suit him perfectly fine!
Ar... look at his charming eyes.
But i heard, he is a father already right.
SUCHA cool dad!
*screams like some exotic fan* (*did i say exotic?*)
Pardon me for using weird word to describe something.
I cant resist it, so i went to ''kapo'' a pic of him!
And chanced upon a japan webby on him.
So nice!!
*screams again*

No one guy can have such long hair and still look GOOD lar!
okok, yamapi also look good in long hair.
Okok, matsumoto Jun also.
OK, at this rate, i am going to name all good looking guys~

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-7:01 pm-

I only celebrate April 14

Since it's Valentine's Day this coming Wednesday, perhaps i will do up an entry with some information on that particular day.
I am too bored.

Ok, firstly, let's get back to History. I find the history of Valentine's day interesting.
And the many other dates following February 14(*read: Valentine's Day*).

Saint Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is on February 14. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's Card, candy, or donations to charities, often anonymously. It is very common to present flowers on Valentine's Day. The holiday is named after two men, both Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.

The day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines". Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. The Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

In the United States, the marketing of Valentine's Day has tagged it as a "Hallmark holiday".

A Gnostic Valentine

Far more prominent historically than any of the Saint Valentines is Valentinius of Alexandria (c. 100 - c. 153). He was an influential Gnostic teacher and a candidate for Bishop of Rome in 143.[3] In his teachings, the marriage bed assumed a central place in his version of Christian love, an emphasis sharply contrasting with the asceticism of mainstream Christianity. Stephan A. Hoeller assesses Valentinius on the subject: "In addition to baptism, anointing, eucharist, the initiation of priests and the rites of the dying, the Valentinian Gnosis mentions prominently two great and mysterious sacraments called 'redemption' (apolytrosis) and 'bridal chamber' respectively.".

February fertility festivals

On the ancient Athens calendar, the period between mid-January and mid-February was the month of Gamelion, dedicated to the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera.

In Ancient Rome, February 15 was Lupercalia. Plutarch wrote:

Lupercalia, of which many write that it was anciently celebrated by shepherds, and has also some connection with the Arcadian Lycaea. At this time many of the noble youths and of the magistrates run up and down through the city naked, for sport and laughter striking those they meet with shaggy thongs. And many women of rank also purposely get in their way, and like children at school present their hands to be struck, believing that the pregnant will thus be helped in delivery, and the barren to pregnancy.[5]

The word Lupercalia comes from lupus, or wolf, so the holiday may be connected with the legendary wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus. Lupercalia was a festival local to the city of Rome. The more general Festival of Juno Februa, meaning "Juno the purifier" or "the chaste Juno," was celebrated on February 13-14. Pope Gelasius I (492-496) abolished Lupercalia. Some historians argue that Candlemas (then held on February 14, later moved to February 2) was promoted as its replacement, but this feast was already being celebrated in Jerusalem by AD 381. The pope also declared in 496 that the feast of St. Valentine would be on February 14.


Thanks to a concentrated marketing effort, Valentine's Day has emerged in Japan and Korea as a day on which women, and less commonly men, give candy, chocolate or flowers to people they like. This has become an obligation for many women. Those who work in offices end up giving chocolates to all their male co-workers, sometimes at significant personal expense. This chocolate is known as giri-choko (義理チョコ), in Japan, from the words giri ("obligation") and choko, a common short version of chokorēto (チョコレート), meaning "chocolate". This contrasts with honmei-choko, which is given to a person someone loves or has a strong relationship with. Friends, especially girls, exchange chocolate that is referred to as tomo-choko (友チョコ); tomo means "friend" in Japanese.

By a further marketing effort, a reciprocal day called White Day has emerged. On March 14, men are expected to return the favour to those who gave them chocolates on Valentine's Day. Many men, however, give only to their girlfriends. Originally, the return gift was supposed to be white chocolate or marshmallows; hence "White Day". However, men have taken the name to a different meaning and lingerie has become a common gift.

In Korea, there is an additional Black Day on April 14, when males who did not receive anything for Valentine's Day gather together to eat Jajangmyun (Chinese-style noodles in black sauce). In South Korea, there is also Pepero Day, celebrated on November 11, during which young couples give each other romantic gifts.

In Chinese Culture, there is a similar counterpart of the Valentine's Day. It is called "The Night of Sevens", on the 7th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar; the last one being August 30, 2006. A slightly different version of this day is celebrated in Japan as Tanabata, on July 7th on the solar calendar.

In Persian Culture (Iran) this popular date is discreetly celebrated by most lovers despite the disapproval of such occasion by the hardline Islamic government as a copycat of the West.

According to Jewish tradition the 15th day of the month of Av - Tu B'Av (usually late August) is the festival of love (hag haahava). In ancient times girls would wear white dresses and dance in the vineyards, where the boys would be waiting for them (Mishna Taanith end of Chapter 4). In modern Israeli culture this is a popular day to pronounce love, propose marriage and give gifts like cards or flowers.

In Brazil, the Dia dos Namorados (lit. "Day of the enamored", or "Boyfriend's/Girlfriend's Day") is celebrated on June 12, when couples exchange gifts such as chocolates, cards and usually a flower bouquet. This day is chosen probably because it is the day before the Saint Anthony's day, known there as the marriage saint, when many single women perform popular rituals in order to find a good husband (or nowadays, a boyfriend).

In Colombia, the Día del amor y la amistad (lit. "Love and Friendship Day") is celebrated on the third Friday and Saturday in September, because of commercial issues. In this country the Amigo secreto ("Secret friend") tradition is quite popular, which consists of randomly assigning to each participant a recipient who is to be given an anonymous gift (similar to the Christmas tradition of Secret Santa).

In Mexico, the Día del amor y la amistad is celebrated similar to Colombia but this one falls on February 14.

In Finland, Valentine's Day is called Ystävänpäivä which translates into "Friend's day". As the name says, this day is more about remembering your friends than your loved ones.

In Slovenia, a proverb says that "St Valentine brings the keys of roots," so on February 14, plants and flowers start to grow. Valentine's Day has been celebrated as the day when the first works in the vineyards and on the fields commence. It is also said that birds propose to each other or marry on that day. Nevertheless, it has only recently been celebrated as the day of love. The day of love is traditionally 12 March, the Saint Gregory's day. Another proverb says "Valentin - prvi spomladin" ("Valentine — first saint of spring"), as in some places (especially White Carniola) Saint Valentine marks the beginning of spring.

In Romania, the traditional holiday for lovers is Dragobete, which is celebrated on February 24. It is named after a character from Romanian folklore who was supposed to be the son of Baba Dochia. Part of his name is the word drag ("dear"), which can also be found in the word dragoste ("love"). In recent years, Romania has also started celebrating Valentine's Day, despite already having Dragobete as a traditional holiday. This has drawn backlash from many groups, particularly nationalist organizations like Noua Dreaptǎ, who condemn Valentine's Day for being superficial, commercialist and imported Western kitsch.

In Denmark, Norway & Sweden Valentines Day is known as Valentinsdag. It is not celebrated to a large extent, but some people take time to be romantic with their partner, or send a card to a secret love.

Valentines Day also has regional traditions in the UK. In Norfolk a character called 'Jack' Valentine knocks on the rear door of houses leaving sweets and presents for children. Although leavings treats, many children were scared of this mystical person.

I am not sure if people now are still into giving of flowers. Is it still a kuku thing to give flowers?
Okok, is it a norm for a guy to give a girl flowers? Actually, in my opinion, girls should give guys flower on that day. It will be sweet to see the guy holding the flower around right? Hehes.

Okok. If you are buying flower, please bear in mind the meaning of the colour that you are buying. Different colours have different meaning. But i am sure you all know the meanings of a few normal colours like red right.

Okok, let's see the meaning of several colours.


RED ::::: Love, Beauty, Courage and Respect, Romantic Love, Congratulations, I Love You, Job Well Done, Sincere Love, Respect, Courage and Passion

RED(DARK) ::::: Unconscious beauty

RED(SINGLE) ::::: I Love You

Deep Burgundy ::::: Unconscious Beauty

White ::::: Purity, Innocence, Silence, Secrecy, Reverence, Humility, Youthfulness, I am worthy of you, Heavenly.

White(Bridal) ::::: Happy Love

Pink ::::: Appreciation, Thank You, Grace, Perfect Happiness, Admiration, Gentleness, Please Believe Me

Dark Pink ::::: Appreciation, Gratitude, Thank You

Light Pink ::::: Admiration, Sympathy, Gentleness, Grace, Gladness, Joy, Sweetness

Yellow ::::: Joy, Gladness, Friendship, Delight, Promise of a new beginning, Welcome Back, Remember Me, and Jealousy, I care

Yellow with Red Tip ::::: Friendship, Falling in Love

Orange ::::: Desire, Enthusiasm

Red and White ::::: Given together, these signify unity

Red and Yellow ::::: Jovial and Happy Feelings

Peach ::::: Appreciation, Closing of the deal, Let's get together, Sincerity, Gratitude

Pale Peach ::::: Modesty

Coral ::::: Desire

Lavender ::::: Love at first sight, Enchantment

Orange ::::: Enthusiasm, Desire, Fascination

Black* ::::: Death, Farewell

Blue* ::::: The unattainable or impossible

Single in any colour ::::: Simplicity, Gratitude

Red Rosebud ::::: Purity and loveliness

White Rosebud ::::: Girlhood

Thornless Rose ::::: Love at first sight.
* There are no such roses

So, now you have an idea of what kinda flower to get for your family, friends and/or the special one?

I have two roses in mind.
The yellow with red tip and the yellow rose.
Meanings meanings.

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-5:17 pm-

Let me present my Valentine...
Excited beh.


Sweet beh...
He gave me a yellow rose.
(*rolls eyes...should be red one lo*)
Shall spend my Valentine's Day with him.

Cut the crap michelle.

Okok, the scratch marks i left on people...
Like very serious.
Next time, must keep my hands to myself.
*Michelle, in any case, don't use your hands liaos ok?*
Won't use it no matter what.

Hungry Hungry.

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-3:23 pm-

The song that i mentioned...
Intro-ed by zoozoo.
= )
''Listen'' to the emotion of the singer.
Sing to it.

Romaji English

Mou hitori de arukenai

Toki no kaze ga tsuyosugite

AH kizutsuku koto nante

Nareta hazu dakedo ima wa. . .

I can't walk by myself anymore

The winds of time are too strong

Ah, what a wounding thing

I should have gotten used to it, but right now. .

AH kono mama dakishimete

Nureta mama no kokoro wo

Kawari tsutzukeru kono toki ni

Kawaranai ai ga aru nara

Ah, hold me the way I am

My heart, damp as it is

Is being changed at this moment

If unchanging love is there


Namida ukeomete

Mou kowaresouna ALL MY HEART

Will you hold my heart

Catch my tears

All my heart is ready to break


Afureru omoi dake ga hagashiku

Setsunaku jikan wo umetsukusu


Forever love, forever dream

Only overflowing thoughts

Terribly, sorrowfully, bury all time

Oh tell me why



Kaze ga sugisasaru made

Mata afuredasu ALL MY TEARS

All I see is blue in my heart

Will you stay with me

Until the wind passes

All my tears start to overflow again


Kono mama soba ni ite

Yoake ni furueru kokoro wo dakishimete


Forever love, forever dream

Be with me this way

Hold my trembling heart in the dawn

Oh stay with me

AH subete ga owareba ii

Owari no nai kono yoru ni

AH ushinau mono nante

Nani mo nai anata dake

Ah, I wish everything were ended

Nothing is ended in this night

Ah, what a loss it is

There's nothing at all, only you


Kono mama soba ni ite

Yoake ni furueru kokoro wo dakishimete

Forever love, forever dream

Be with me this way

Hold my trembling heart in the dawn


Kaze ga sugisaru made

Mou dare yori mo soba ni

Ah will you stay with me

Until the wind passes

Now more than anyone else, with me


Kore ijou arukenai


Oshiete ikiru imi wo

Forever love, forever dream

I can't walk farther than this

Oh tell me why, oh tell me true

Tell me what it means to live


Afureru namida no naka

Kagayaku kisetsu ga eien ni kawaru made


Forever love, forever dream

Amidst overflowing tears

Until the shining season changes to eternity

Forever love

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-1:47 pm-

Found the pics, cut and paste and add on the words.
Cute pics!
I love big headed cartoons.
So cute!
And i love the uniform too.
Singapore can't afford such kinda uniform.

I went to bake kuukies(*read cookies*) on my own.
Tasty kuukies. Made names(*successful*).
And they taste not too bad.
Van dropped by while on his way to meet his girl.
Passed him a box of kuukies.
His girl love choco cookies.
Hope you love it~
= )
Am i nice or what!

Burnt my pinky.
But worth it for yummy cookies.
= )
Did something really silly.
But it's silly things that make people laugh.
Deciding whether words should be left unsaid.
So....if i succeeded in making the name on the cookie, words will be said.
Actually, the cookies were nice and out of the oven.
Looked nice but when i attempted to take them off, they broke.
So well, yeaps.

And i laughed!
Ok, sounds silly.
Better pour honey on my burnt pinky to prevent blisters!

Oh yes, while waiting for the kuukies.
I attempted to play Audition(*did i mention that word?!*).
Okok, or rather, i took on a challenge.
Been a long time since i trained my fingers.
So went in, played and suddenly weird looking directions came up and i am stuck on the same step throughout the freaking song.
So...well, that means, i owe someone a "favour".
No girl, i wont intro guys to you. =p

okok, after everything i shall head to study.
= )
I am hardworking right.

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-1:05 pm-

Thinking too much?
My intuition is always/usually right.
Especially when it concerns me.
That is why, lesser contact with people = lesser conflicts.

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-12:00 pm-

They did so much better than the previous time.
*claps claps*
Proud for you peeps.
And to all people who did well, good good.
Marks the beginning of the next journey le. =)
Good luck to those choosing the courses.
Choose wisely people! Don't make choices that ya gonna regret in time to come.

And i got a super sad news.
Well, not dead, BUT DYING!
Yesterday, serious and something major happened to my lappy
(*that is why i hate to use such IT and tech stuff... ROlls Eyes*)
But because it happened to my Kerstin, i heartache!
And it's a tragic thing to name a thing. Because will have feelings one!
I see kerstin struggling, i heartache.
Sorry kerstin, i promise to take care of you!
I was so sian yesterday after facing a dying kerstin.
And i am so worried that it might break down now.
Freakingly worried.
Worried that the touchpad will fail to work again, worried that the wireless thingy will fail to work, worried that the keyboard will go haywire again.
Am going to do something mischievous today.

Study is put on hold since i have the whole of next week to do so.
= )
Return to see what i am going to do beh.
= )
Wish me luck people..

Oh yes, before someone demands to know what i did yesterday, better blog them down first~
(*why should i even care in the first place! humpf*)
Okok, well, actually only Yue was coming to my house yesterday...
Then huili, del,wk and sl came too.
So yeaps, there are five people in my house yesterday, placing monkey of risk.
= (
Did cookies with yue.
And i shan't elaborate on the processs.
And they left around 8 and yue stayed till 10.
Love her lots! She acc-ed me eat the super not tasty cup noodles.
No meat, no vegetable nothing!
Just MSG!

Okok, did something really mean.
Inflicted scratch marks on people.
Gosh, Michelle, when did you become so violent.
Yes, go bang the wall now.

Gosh. Michelle ar michelle.
Last night i completely didn't use the comp.
Great rest for my eyes.

Had the night to think.
Think till i fell asleep.
Maybe, listening to Miss Soh (yy) is the better idea.
Don't risk it all.
Though listening to Mr Oon (wk) makes me think another way.
But nahs, Miss Soh (yy) seems safer.

Okok, back to what i planned for today.
sis is out to teach tuition.
And Carrina is cute.
She is the only child and she is super active.
She called yesterday and today.
Super cute girl.

OKok, got to go do what i need to do.

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-9:16 am-

Friday 9 February 2007

Congratulations to TAN HUILI!
She passed her English.. B3 leh!!!
Congratulations girl!!

So now, left with others.
Waiting patiently for everyone's results.

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-2:35 pm-

Oh yes.
Pardon me for the complaint here.
Stomach cramps.
Suay-ness X 999999.
Pills pills.. i need you...

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-10:04 am-

I am actually feeling nervous.
They are getting their O level results today.
Excited for them.
Remember a year ago, that feeling.
Ok, it's more of a neutral feeling and i have no idea why.

Nervous then, results collected and then, head to choose school already.
It just all happened in a flash.
And now, i am already in sem2 year1 already.
Fast or what~
But i do miss the day we collected our Os results.
= )
It was fun actually. To see people cry with joy or disappointment.
Students are going back at 2.30 to collect results and the usual practice is for the current Sec4 and Sec5 students to witness the whole process.
GOodie Luck to all!!

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-9:57 am-

Been yawning like this lil hippo>>>...
Just finished doing my part of the Thinking Skills report and i am so tired!!!
I need my beauty sleep on my LOVELY ROOM.
(*screams: I LOVE MY ROOM*)
I guess, i can sleep now?
Time for beauty sleep!!

And who's my valentine this year?
Me and myself!
= )

My Head's A Fakie!!!
-12:02 am-

Thursday 8 February 2007


Neutrogena Build-a-Tan Gradual Sunless Tanning Lotion lets you control the shade by how often you apply it for a totally natural-looking tan.

The moisturizing formula delivers just a hint of color with each application, allowing you to decide how deep and dark you want your sunless tan to be. Apply it more often for a deep, dark tan or less often for a healthy glow. Worried about messy streaks? Forget about it. This creamy lotion is clinically proven to provide natural-looking, even color that starts to develop in two to four hours. It's great for everyday use and dries in just five minutes.

Get a sunless tan as individual as you are with color you can control.

  • Dries in 5 minutes
  • Streak-free
  • 6.7 fl. oz. pump bottle
  • Available in Lotion and Face SPF 15


    Blend evenly over freshly cleansed, exfoliated skin. Smooth on evenly, starting with your legs. Apply sparingly on your elbows, knees and ankles. Blend thoroughly. Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after use. Wait one hour before bathing or swimming. Color will start to develop in about two to four hours and will last several days. Reapply as needed to deepen or maintain color.

    COOL BEH! Love it...
    But, hmms, me so dark...like dont need.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -9:16 pm-

    Let's see what i did today.....
    Did part of the project and head to pack the house.
    To well, not feel guilty after the KFC meal...
    Sweat since it's HOT there!
    Packed the book shelve(*bookworm leh*).
    Found that the bookshelf is full of crappy stuff and some unfinished collection of comics.

    And some really interesting books that i have never read before..
    The unexplained events/mysteries.
    At least there will be something to do when i am BORED.

    And the bookshelf is DUSTY la!
    But now, it looks neat and tidy.
    = )
    *pats myself on the back*
    Then head to pack the "coffee" table.

    Got the urge to pull down the curtains.
    But, it's a tedious task to clean the mirror you see.
    Shall clean the mirror next time i eat KFC.

    So, can count the two piece chix off?
    Since i sweat abit today.
    Carrying stuff and wiping.
    Ok, count them off then.
    Hiaks Hiaks.

    But my last room seems to be in a tragic state still.
    That is gonna be a really hard task to do.

    Shall head to complete the project now.
    There are problems everywhere, but they can be solved.
    = )
    No worries!
    Me still a HAPPY girl.

    *Shouts: I am gonna be an organised girl this year*

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -8:52 pm-

    BLOG ENTRY DELETED as it shows the blogger's weakness.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -7:58 pm-

    Love brings obsession?
    Or, it isn't love at all.

    Why do smses end up into quarrels?
    Why is it that, it's hard to be friends when certain things happen?
    At times i wonder.
    Perhaps lying helps?

    Guys are good to be friends but jerks in relationships.
    So, i will die a singleton.
    = )
    Like a dog tied to it's master.
    Let's see this.
    Someone asks you where you are and who you are hanging out with.
    And what are you doing.
    Do you get irritated?
    Perhaps, it's ok for a few times.

    Better not elaborate.
    I am nobody to you and you are nobody to me.
    So, hmmmms, leave things alone
    = )

    Hoorrays to SINGLETON.
    = )

    p/s: singleton...Hmmmms. in the purest meaning..

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -5:21 pm-

    Tired and A timid dog.

    Happy happy happy!!!

    Wrote like chunks of words.
    Then left to Ang Mo Kio for KFC!
    Guilty guilty guilty!
    Shall resume the in house exercise liaos.
    Then walked to the swing.
    = )
    But i just love it~
    You know the feeling of sitting there, being in control of everything.
    Swinging and swinging and it's so tempting to let go and fall.
    I have no idea why.

    After some time, zoozoo left.
    And so, we left to the MAC i am DYING TO GO.
    I love the Mac there, it's very interesting. Ok, fine, not that interesting but nice.
    Had the super not so nice Green tea and listen to them talk.
    = )
    I told you i will not talk too much.
    = )

    Then left for home!!!!
    Well, i took the seat because i am feeling SO tired.
    The person beside me took like one and a half seat! No no, she isn't that big.
    She opened her legs so wide.
    So, it's a tiring time back home.

    Well, when you are on the bus, you have nothing to do, and your mind wanders.
    And i suddenly got very afraid.
    Ok, stupid i know.
    I tend to think TOO much and my IMAGINATION is like good.
    So....i freak myself out.
    You know THE SAW that horror movie?
    The pervert catch people and make them suffer to live.
    And i suddenly got afraid that i will get caught.

    Get rid of the thought la!!
    Yue's coming tomorrow(*nth times i have mentioned this*).
    So......if you dont hear from me,means she burnt my kitchen...
    = )
    So sleepy and tired!!


    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -5:05 pm-

    Ar...shuang sent me this pic.
    She said she found it on Yahoo? Yeaps.
    It was meant to cheer me up but i found another meaning for this smiley pic!!
    See they are all smiling, yet there is one in purple?
    And it's the only one that made me smile, just like you....
    Sweet beh!

    Woke up super duper early.
    Had people calling me like early!!!
    Thank god it's silent mode.
    But the vibration wake me up.
    But, thanks anyways gfs and bfs~
    = )

    Learning to see things in a happier way.
    I can, but i never believe in them anyways.
    Having Creativity And Innovation later and my Thinking Skills proj is like so screwed!
    Barely had sleep last night.
    What happened to my life all of a sudden~~~~

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -9:04 am-

    Wednesday 7 February 2007

    Forgive this girl here for ranting.
    But i just need to........rant.

    You know, they use to say, learn to be content?
    So it's hard.
    So many times, i think , and i give myself prep talks(*which ends up into useless sobbing*).

    Like i have said, as i get older, i realize the need to not be weak.
    The need to be strong.
    At times, i wonder why am i in my position?
    I never understand why.
    So many times, you will want to just forget everything.
    Just let someone take your life away.

    It's stupid.
    How many times, i let tears flow for no apparent reason.
    Just because i am tired of everything.
    I am not even 18.
    And i am tired of everything.

    As i look into the future, i hold fears.
    Or rather, there is no faith that i can handle what is to come.
    Remember teacher talking about harder and more complicated DE stuff.
    And i just so want to give up on everything.
    Even i fear giving up~

    Reading my stuff.
    Looking at maths.
    The thought of giving up is tempting.
    I envy.
    I tried to love maths.
    I tried to practise.
    But it's never successful.

    So tired!
    I am such a weakling!
    Hate such blog entries.
    I just want to organise my thoughts though they aren't of good use.
    Everything comes to me, in such a complicated way.
    I just want to cry till i go blind.
    I just want to scream till my voice is hoarse.
    I just want to jump till my legs break.
    I just want to laugh till i drop.
    I just want to be myself on my own.

    But so what~
    Like i can do them all.
    Afterall, LET's FACE REALITY.
    Even if i can't accept it, i got to.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -11:55 pm-

    I studied. But for some of the questions..
    I AM SO @_@
    Oh my gosh.
    How to answer them u tell me!
    = (
    Wish me luck people.

    Creativity and Innovation (EG1223)

    Tutorial 1

    Describe 2 examples related to creativity, which have great influences on daily life.

    Discuss the effect of creativity blocks on an individual in daily life. Suggest ways to create a better sense of creativity in an individual.

    Creativity and Innovation (EG1223)

    Tutorial 2

    Describe 2 problems that you encountered in daily life, which when resolved, would improve the quality of living. Explain why the problems still exist in your daily life and propose ways yo resolve the problems.

    Describe 2 problems which affects livelihood in the past. Discuss the solution implemented in relation to the act of creativity.

    Creativity and Innovation (EG1223)

    Tutorial 3

    Describe and discuss 2 real life examples which apply Force Connection techniques.

    Describe and discuss 2 real life examples which apply Brainstorming, Brainwriting or Mindmapping methods.

    Creativity and Innovation (EG1223)

    Tutorial 4

    You are planning for further education after your polytechnic education. Illustrate how you will use the Morphological Analysis to plan your further education.

    You are short listed for a job interview after University education. Illustrate how you will use the Pugh method to plan your strategy for the interview.

    Creativity and Innovation (EG1223)

    Tutorial 5

    Give 2 examples of innovations you encountered in real life, which have failed in its business strategy. Discuss and propose business strategies which might work for these innovations in comtemporary situation.

    Give 2 examples of successful innovations you encountered in real life. Discuss the business strategies which work for these innovations.

    Creativity and Innovation (EG1223)

    Tutorial 6

    Give 2 examples for each type of innovation mentioned in the lecture notes. Discuss the influences on daily life.

    Give an area in which you would like to see more innovations to be discovered and describe the influence of these future innovations.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -11:31 pm-

    I love his eyes!!
    So nice...
    And they speaks so much..


    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -11:12 pm-

    Eternal hug.
    It's sweet.
    Very sweet.
    Found this on Yahoo! News.
    Very sweet.
    Is love eternal only when two dies?
    I start to think of all possibilities if they didn't die young(*they assumed they died young*).
    But it's sweet to see such stuff.
    And i so want to know their story.
    Why they hugged each other.
    How they died.
    Why they die.
    Who are they.
    Why were they there?


    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -11:10 pm-

    Oh gosh.
    Mi Ch Elle!!

    I tried so hard not to throw temper.
    You see, when i am studying, i tend to get irritated easily.

    Trying hard not to throw temper this time.
    Mi Ch Elle!!

    I hate it when people throw temper to their own meemee.
    I HATE IT!
    But i am doing it, so i need to control~

    Control Mi Ch Elle ...
    Dont throw temper just because of my own stuff.
    Meemee is tired after a day's work.
    STOP being a kid already.

    Can tell meemee is tired.
    Mi Ch Elle....
    One more time you throw temper, no dinner for you!

    I can't stand it when someone/me throw temper just because of demanding reasons.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -10:55 pm-

    OH MY GOSH!!!


    I realised a SERIOUS problem!!

    OH MY GOSH!!!



    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -9:42 pm-

    Everything decides to go haywire .
    Don't do this to me now.
    Really not in the mood to study.
    Discipline mi ch elle, discipline.
    Read a few WORDS, look up, and my mind wanders.
    Do back, read a few WORDS, look up and once again my mind wanders.
    To where?
    Dream land.

    I am totally stuck at nine step innovation process thingy.
    Really need to discipline myself.

    If i can just off parts of my brain when i am studying.
    That will be great.
    I hate it when i start blaming the mood.
    Fine, start complaining and becoming whiny.
    mi ch elle, get a grip and get back to your Nine innovation process.

    Yue sms-ed me.
    She's coming over on Fri to bake cookies.
    Nono, we aren't kukus.
    Not for CNY.
    It's for Valentine's day?
    Who is she giving them to?
    I shall just give them to whoever i see.

    As expected, it's the time of the year~
    Valentine's day where pathetic people starts complaining and couples start to become sweet and lovely.
    And being the suay one, i got a mixture of such friends.
    Yes, pity me.
    Those pathetic (*read ivan..ok fine, not him alone...*) singles start to complain how pathetic they are and who will they go out with on that day.
    Okok, i am dumb.
    I gave stupid suggestions which lead to another hour of complains.
    And most pathetic(* wrote pathetic because they complained...being single is not pathetic la..=)*)
    singles gave the same complaint.
    So it's like hearing repeated stuff.
    I told them to go out with themselves, or with single friends lo.
    And if you are one of the pathetic singles out that, you will know what they replied.

    And those couples.
    Sweet lovely couples.
    They make you wanna fall in love la~

    Okok, cut the crap.
    Let's pray hard that my kitchen won't get burnt on Friday.
    Yue's a disater in the kitchen i guess.

    Cut the crap.
    Something BAD happened last minute.
    The proj is gonna be due.
    Problems problems everywhere when it comes to project.
    And i never like projects unless.....

    Cut the crap and head back to work.
    I doubt i can sleep tonight.
    Nahs, not for C&I.

    I think, it would need alot of getting use to.
    Stepped into my life, stole the key.
    -mi ch elle

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -8:36 pm-


    Can just take the knife and stab myself.
    I seriously think i am the slacker in my class.
    So many times i mentioned that i will head BACK to study.
    Just how many times is it true?!

    Was watching Hana Yori Dango actually.
    Japanese version, season 2.
    watched till epi 4, part 4, the video got removed!
    Because the tokyo thingy found out and it violated their rights.
    I am inlove with Matsumoto Jun once again.

    Okok, no more show to watch, so that means, seriously, back to studying liaos.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -6:35 pm-


    I can never really keep on a diet during exam period.
    Okok, bought a mugging survival kit.
    Cost me $4.70 this time.
    Cheaper my 30cents!
    A veggie drink and a mini pack potato chips.

    Jiayou beh~

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -5:26 pm-


    Just woke up from a super short sleep nap.
    So, can start studying now already!
    = )

    I might really need everyone's help to call me..
    Maybe at 9.30?
    = )

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -3:57 pm-

    Am back home!
    Felt that today's lesson is abit waste of time.
    Okok, not waste time but $$(*read transport*).
    Just going back for a 2hours plus lecture.
    MEant for revision.
    But at least, it refresh my mind.
    Ready to set down to work liaos.

    The more i think. the more i feel that i can't pass that module(*shame on you Mi Ch Elle*)
    (*Screams: KIAKIA*)

    Can feel the last drop of faith in me seeping away silently.
    What is wrong?!
    So afraid that i can't pass all my modules.
    I dont want to change class.

    Never mind about that.
    There is nothing i can do about that.
    I am quite unlucky recently, so nahs, no hope for my exams too.
    Nono! Kick those thoughts away.

    Okok, Having C&I test tomorrow.
    Test starts at 11 , SO PLEASE DO CALL ME AN HOUR BEFORE!!
    I will really appreciate that.

    Let's get to study now.
    = )
    Wish me luck people.
    = )

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -1:25 pm-

    Did these two quiz when i just reached home.
    Love the part about the brain.
    Hate the 12yr old part.
    Everyone says i dont think like a kid.

    You Are 12 Years Old

    Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

    13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

    20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

    30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

    40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

    What Age Do You Act?

    Your Brain's Pattern

    You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.

    You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.

    People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.

    But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.

    What Pattern Is Your Brain?

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -12:57 pm-

    Tuesday 6 February 2007

    The Arena

    Watched the Arena.
    Kinda nice and interesting but why must Singapoer debates be so...aggressive?
    Okok, the round i saw today is from United World College and Nanyang Girls.
    United World College really did well.
    They spoke with such class.
    Especially a girl called Maddie.
    She's so cool.

    Okok, harsh to say, i don't really like the opponent. Which is Nanyang Girls.
    Yes, points points points but no facts.
    No evidence.
    And they spoke with such aggression.
    Okok, not forgetting the point that they were a wee bit rude during rebuttal.

    But they were given a harder stand. So yeaps.
    Hard to argue over that point.

    So, United World College won!!
    Love the way they speak.
    Polite, with confidence, fluent and stuff.
    = )

    Ok la, in the blood.
    Get Singaporean students to speak like that in schools(*well, at least my school*) and they will be laughed at.
    Just be honest, we are not open minded enough.
    We are just narrow minded people.

    Shuddup mich.
    = )
    Shall get to studying now?
    But i am so sleepy!!!
    The lights are blinding me already.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -10:10 pm-


    Found this interesting thing online.
    From a japan webby.
    I love japan stuff, there are super cute.
    The thing below is a blusher actually in liquid form.
    Cute eh...

    And the one below is an eye shadow in liquid form. Gold in colour

    The one below is a stress relief thingy.
    Cute and cheeky right...
    I personally love this checker hat. Freaking cool la!

    And the stuff below are pictures from japan streetwear websites.
    And one thing i love about Japan is their fashion culture.
    They wear clothes, really for identity.
    And not to BLEND into the group, like Singapore.
    I hate that.
    Everyone wears differently in Japan.
    And the people there, got unique fashion sense and are confident about it.
    Dress like that Singapore and i can say loudly that you gonna get stares.
    Super sua gu pple in Singapore.
    They wear stuff, be it flattering or not.
    And look at them, they are not really pretty babes(*some are*) and not hunky guys.
    But they give this very COOL and LOOK AT ME KINDA beauty...

    If guys i know dare to dress like that, i will jump into the sea already.
    This girl is super duper CUTE !!
    Lols...see the guys dont look good, but they dress well...
    I love this GIRL!! oKok, her sense of fashion.
    In that jumper, she wore a blouse!! So sexy yet got character.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -7:09 pm-

    Nothing much interesting today...
    Except that the feeling is back again.
    I remember i got this feeling back in band during the syf training period.
    Well, tend to get scoldings and it's a rather tense situation with Os coming i think.
    And yeaps, i got so stressed up and tired then at times, i was unable to speak.
    Well, initially i was freaked out.
    I mean, the feeling is very bad. I don't really know how to describe the feeling.
    But initially, there will be this tendency to force the voice out.
    The need to voice out everything.
    It's all in the mind. Sorta like the body going against the mind.

    It happened quite a number of times during band.
    Hmmm. But ever since then, no more.
    Till today.
    And well, afterall, i am sorta used to it.

    Tried to calm my mind, tell myself that it's all in the mind.
    Tried to pronounce words or rather, try to voice out.
    But just decided to let it go since it will be back to normal once it loosen up.
    Ar...been so so long.
    Thought it had left me already, so afterall, i am still like that when i am mentally tired.
    Well. yeaps.
    Won't use the word stressed because i am not feeling so.
    But what's up today.
    I have no idea.
    Got pretty much upset when they were nearing Bishan Park.
    I miss my super hip grandma.
    Ok, she left for quite some time. But whenever i am near the temple or well, visiting her in the temple, i just feel so ...arh~~~~
    Never mind about that.

    I am weird recently!!
    Okok, let's update on stuff today.
    Went to school and had maths.
    After that to Tiong Bahru market to eat.
    = )
    Had yummy duckie noodles and YUMMY mango sago...
    = ) YUMMIES!!
    It's awesome with tadpole like thingy. Really look like tadpole!
    Had fun biting them.
    Then took the lorry to Bishan and back home.
    Tired to really update on stuff.
    Lovely to be back home.
    (*screams: I LOVE MY ROOM*)
    Was mentally tired today.
    So much thinking.

    Woke up in the morning on the wrong note.
    Had a super bad dream last night.
    So wanted to call.
    Bad dream.
    Woke up with this saddening thought in mind.
    Can see the hands of reality opening up to grab me.
    = )
    Lols, it's reality welcoming me.
    Realized that, you really got to be strong.
    Ok, at least pretend to be strong.
    I don't know.
    I suddenly feel that, no space for weakness.
    Just got to be strong.
    At all cost.

    So yeaps.
    Hmmms, after all, it's my life.
    Junejune asked me or rather said something that triggered my thoughts.
    She mentioned something about promises.
    Okok, i remember what happen now.
    We were at Tiong Bahru market and i saw this really OLD couple holding hands.
    So sweet.
    They are really so sweet together and they are really old.
    I looked at them and i told junejune, if i ever live to such old age, i want to be like them too.
    Well, she replied me something.
    Do you think, couples can last so long?
    *Shakes head*.
    Well, at least not in this generation.
    Maybe the older generation can.
    But not now.
    I told you i am living in the wrong era le!
    Couples separate with the simplest reason.
    Then we mentioned about promises.
    Okok, a dumb one also understand that there is no such thing as eternity promises or such crap.
    PLEASE GIRLS, wake up!
    Lols, fine, i am just a wet blanket.
    But really, no such thing as I LOVE YOU FOREVER(*did i just said that?! Omg*).
    Junejune also dont believe in such stuff.
    But afterall, there is no harm in having hope that such things will happen right~
    Okok, even if it's 0.00000001% chance of happening, also must hope.
    It's a happy thing to be dumb at times.
    = )

    Oh yes, memories flashed past me when we were sending Randy home.
    Afterall, i stayed at Hougang for quite some time too for silly reasons.
    I can't believe it's all in the past.
    Walking to the bus stop like at 5 plus in the morning just to take the bus to school when i was in primary school.
    Ok, my life is not a smooth sailing one, but then, i am quite glad that i got that kinda past.
    Ok, it's the past that determines who i am now.
    So, if you feel you got a super bad past, be happy that it's all over and....it's your past that determines who you are now.
    Everyone got a past.
    = )
    I miss the past but i am glad everything is going better.
    = )
    It let me appreciate everything that i have now.
    = )

    And if you are in a super bad state now, fret not, for it will become a past too.
    = )
    Listening to Forever Love by X Japan.
    The member Hide from X japan....made the music more meaningful and beautiful.

    Hideto Matsumoto (松本 秀人 Matsumoto Hideto, December 13, 1964May 2, 1998), more commonly known by his stage name hide (pronounced /hi.de/), was a popular Japanese musician.

    Hide died on May 2, 1998 in his Tokyo apartment. A roommate put him to bed after a night of drinking, but when she went to check on him an hour later he was not in his room. He was found hanged with a ripped towel in his apartment bathroom, the towel tied to the doorknob. He was barely alive when the ambulance arrived, and later died in the hospital. He was thirty-three years old.

    i Got the info from wikipedia.
    There are many different interpretation for his death.
    One reason that the fans gave was "Hide was known for performing stunts in attempts to scare others, and some suspect his death to be a stunt gone wrong".
    I am such a retard. Why is it that i didn't know about such news?

    Forever Love

    Sung by Dahlia
    X Japan Movie Theme
    Translation by Gramarye

    I can't be alone like this anymore
    The winds blowing through time are too strong for me
    Ah, I should be used to this thing called pain
    But when I'm with you, something stirs in my soul

    Ah, please hold my heart, keep it close to you
    Accept it as is, soaked with all my tears
    Though times may constantly change, our love never will
    And somehow, I know, everything will be fine
    Will you hold my heart?
    Catch my tears...brush them away, please
    Right now, I feel it breaking
    All my heart....

    Forever Love Forever Dream
    Lost in the flow of my memories
    Though time may try to bury them
    My love will grow, waiting here for you
    Oh, tell me why
    All I see is blue in my heart

    Will you stay with me,
    'Til the wind carries away the pain?
    Again, drowning in sorrow
    All my tears....

    Forever Love Forever Dream
    Stay with me now, hold me just like this
    Embrace this heart that waits for you
    Watching the dawn of the coming day
    Oh, stay with me....

    Ah, I wouldn't mind if it had to end
    Alone, lost in the night that's surrounding me
    Ah, there's nothing left to regret about
    Except for your smile, far from me again

    Forever Love Forever Dream
    Stay with me now, hold me just like this
    Embrace this heart that waits for you,
    Watching the dawn of the coming day
    Ah, will you stay with me
    'Til the wind carries away the pain?
    You are part of my life now, part of me....

    Forever Love Forever Dream
    I can't go on--I can't live this way
    Oh, tell me why...oh, tell me true
    Teach it to me--teach me how to be free

    Forever Love Forever Dream
    Flowing with tears that I tried to conquer
    Awaiting change, as seasons do,
    For eternity will be what we long for
    Forever Love....

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -3:50 pm-

    Monday 5 February 2007

    It becomes amusing to observe people.
    When did i have such a perverted hobby?
    Things people say, things people do, just amuse me too much.

    Well, my hair is going haywire and i have lessons tomorrow!
    Ar~~~ I hate bad hair days.
    Being a good girl, i shall walk out to the interchange tomorrow.
    = )
    So, that means, i got to wake up early!!
    Waking up early, is not something hard for me already.
    Looking at my very orible hair, i don't know what to do.

    Wondering what to do tomorrow if the break is really long. Going back from school and home is like 30mins each.
    Maybe i can just come home.
    = )
    I simply love staying in my room now.
    Super cosy.
    Let's hope believe that i can make this clean room stay.
    = )
    I am a tidy girl afterall.
    Or am i not?(*tidy and organised are two words NEVER used to describe me*)
    I remember going to Chris house that day.
    AND she actually peeped into my bag.
    She said i am still the same, so untidy.
    OKies..Guilty of that.
    My bags are never once tidy in Sec school. And it appears, it's never tidy in Poly too.
    = )
    That is ME mahs.

    My tofu(*read Brain*) is totally going against me too.
    Stuff i read on C&I.
    Are all jumbled up. I rather i forget completely than them running all over the place.
    And that results in reading AGAIN.
    Such a *oh-so-fun* activity for the night before i go to sleep.
    Oh yes, let's hope i wont drool on the pillow again.
    Disgusting feeling.

    Shall be back to blog...tomorrow of cox...
    Okok, till then, NIGHTS.

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -11:25 pm-

    Busy Busy.
    With what? No idea.
    Been super lethargic recently.
    Wishing for the time to pass faster.
    And wishing it won't move.
    I so want to lay in bed the whole day, rolling here and rolling there.
    Admiring the sunlight shining in.
    I so don't want to go near my study area, dread the papers!

    Got duped.
    Okok, too strong a word.
    I am dumb enough....to fall for a joke!
    Michelle, wakey wakey.
    No more fantasy world, happily ever after.
    Lols, thanks pal for that joke.
    = )
    Shan't stay in my dream land anymore.
    Shooting Stars~
    Mr Sandman~
    Mr Santa Claus~
    Time for me to wake up? Stop all the dreaming that everything nice exist.

    What's the point of making a wish?
    During birthdays. When you see a shooting star or when i trip and fall.
    Wishes are nothing that brings disappointment.

    What's with the post?
    I went to sleep after feeling super guilty for throwing my temper on the phone.
    Words hurt the most.
    I understand.
    Slept till7plus.
    Drooled~ YUCKITY YUCKS.
    No worries.
    Feeling double lethargic now.
    Oh gosh, tomorrow am having lessons.
    How i look forward and dread it~ Maths for three hours, EC for X hours.
    And not forgetting useless break times.
    What a life.

    Been so tied down with common test and "revision" that i have no time to even think about CNY shopping.
    Everyone is so hype up with the CNY stuff and i havent been to Chinatown this year~
    I love cny, but the thought of having exams during cny~ IS NOT NOT FUN~
    But what to do, hate it, yet have to do it.
    If i can be this supergirl, i will just forget the exams and party my time away.
    Nahs, i love exams(*jaws dropped*).

    Enough with the rambling michelle.
    Time to head back to reality(*read papers*).

    p/s: My friend told me to well, pass the information down.
    9th FEBRUARY 2007 FRIDAY.

    Wish all goodie luck!

    My Head's A Fakie!!!
    -9:52 pm-

    ~`♥ WeLc0mE

    Myspace Mp3 Player, MySpace MP3 Players, Flash MP3 PlayersCheck out this MySpace MP3 Player!

    Come and go as and when you like. Read what i wrote, leave with no hard feelings. They are my thoughts. You love it or hate it, it's me. Love me for who i am, don't try hard to change me. I hate to be forced into doing things i hate, and do things i don't believe in

    ~`♥ The Girl

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com
    sweet spicy 8teen
    left paradise on oheightohsixeightnine
    standing at 162cm. And well, the weight, let's not give earth anymore stress..
    Her retirement wish: Staying on the highlands in New Zealand. Enjoying the view of the snow with her loved ones. Tending a farm on her freetime.

    ~`♥ My fav-ed Entries
    Feb 2007 ---- X Japan Forever Love Lyrics in Romanji and English

    Feb 2007 ---- Saint Valentine's Special
    ~`♥ dArLiNkiEs

    `♥My Photo Album
    `♥wei Ni
    `♥si si|
    `♥Shau Loon
    `♥Boon Kiong
    `♥Personality Tests
    `♥juan bugueno duran
    `♥pei fen
    `♥yoyoing for begginers


    }January 2007
    }February 2007